Jira Rundeck Atlassian Marketplace Plugin

Please read the following to learn more about Jira Rundeck Atlassian Marketplace plugin..


Click on Gear > add-ons > Rundeck Settings

Rundeck API URL: enter full rundeck base url including the port number. EX: http://localhost:4440

Rundeck API Token: This token is generated in rundeck and is entered here. Make sure it is not expired

Display Rundeck Button Jira Issue Types: Enter one issue type per line

Display Rundeck Button For Jira Issue Statuses: Optional can be left blank. But you can enter "Done" or "In Progress"

Jira Task Type Maps to Rundeck Project Job: Enter Jira Issue Types followed by column followed by Rundeck project name followed by pipe, followed by Rundeck Job name. EX: DIG:rundeckprojname|rundeckjobname

Invoking the Rundeck Job from Jira Issue

When in a jira issue, click on the link button on the right hand side of the panel that says: "Invoke Rundeck Job"

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